Everyone knows that there are risks of infection after having a root canal or having teeth extracted, but one silent and not well-known side effect are cavitations. These are chronic infections of the jaw bone that result from dead tissue left or bacteria left behind after your teeth have been extracted. Circulation in this area is not good, so properly healing in this area cannot happen. While cavitations often occur after these dental treatments, but often go undetected for years.
Causes Of Cavitations
While sometimes infections in the jawbone occur due to bacteria left behind after an extraction, sometimes the disease goes deeper into the jaw than the dentist realizes. This means that even if a tooth extraction or root canal is done properly, there may still be disease deeper in the jawbone that is not visible to the dentist.
Symptoms Of Cavitations
Cavitations can go undetected in healthy individuals for years. Jaw pain is the most common symptom, but this pain can have any number of causes, and the patient often sees no cause for concern. The pain is often mistaken as a toothache. An abscess may eventually form in the jaw cavity.
There are a number cavitation symptoms that all patients undergoing oral surgery should be aware of.
In many cases, patients discover they have an infection of the jaw bone because of other chronic health issues. Patients suffering with jaw pain can apply pressure near the infected area, and if it causes a painful sensation it is a sign of a cavitation.
Dangers of Cavitations
If patient suspects he or she has an infection in the jaw bone, prompt medical attention is necessary. Untreated, the holes caused by decay are home to dead tissues, bacteria, and neurotoxins. Chronic health issues often occur if the cavitation goes untreated and the bacteria and toxins spread through the bloodstream.
Diagnosis Of Cavitations
If a patient has symptoms of a cavitation, the doctor or dentist can make a diagnosis using patient symptoms and imaging procedures. Regular x-rays cannot detect infectious cavities in the jaw bone, so other imaging procedure are used, like CAT scans and MRIs. Cavitat is an ultrasound imaging device used specifically to detect cavitations in jaw bones.
Treatment Of Cavitations
Once diagnosed, the cavitation is treated by surgically removing dead tissue, bone and other debris. Other treatments may include the use of lasers and ozone treatments. The goal is to create a sterile clean environment to help promote healing at the site and throughout the entire body.
If you have jaw pain or other chronic health issues you may have a cavitation. You should discuss your symptoms with your dentist, so healing can begin. If you have other questions or want to know more, contact a company like Center for Dental Anesthesia.
As a homeschool parent and independent contractor, I don't always have time to practice good dental care. I often find myself in a rush just to meet my daily tasks and goals. My lack of good dental care eventually caught up with me. After experiencing severe pain in my back tooth, I made an appointment with my dentist. My dentist found a large hole in the center of the tooth. Root canal treatment couldn't save the tooth, so my dentist extracted it. I learned a very painful and valuable lesson that day. No matter how hectic my life is, I should still make time to brush and floss my teeth properly. I'm here to help you and other people avoid painful dental problems with my blog. I offer tips on how to keep your teeth clean and how to spot dental problems before they get out of control. Good luck.